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Saturday, February 16, 2008

From the remnants of Keith Low's birthday party

What began as a mild cultural shock from my sec 2 juniors developed into relaying ghost stories in Keith's deliberately darkened room that weren't my own accounts, preluded by some matured talk with Keith's parents and aunts, which followed by some inexplicably obscene actions administered by Keith's 7 and 8 year old cousins(with the names of Mervin and Esmond respectively), with Jeramyn cornered in Keith's very own bed and left the rest of us with some decent amount of overboard laughter and amazement at the lasciviousness of the primary school kids which was credited directly to Keith himself, ended with Jeramyn sitting in the space between my legs in of Keith's aunt 7 seater on our ride home. All elucidated within one sentence.

My pretence of expected prudishness slowly dissolved upon meeting my juniors (I didn't know that green tea kills sperms) in the billiard room, where I have very unfortunately delivered the cue ball into the (hole?) on my first shot, after two years of inactivity in it.

The two St Andrew's kids were damn horny I swear. I was sitting beside Mervin before the TV when I doubted my ears.

Mervin: "Shoot your bird bird, shoot your bird bird."
Me: (What was that I heard?) -Turns head-
Mervin: -Aims his rifle to the enemy's you-know-where in his psp and starts shooting.-

Okay now for some photos. Sorry about not taking much lol.

Hehe funny Keith.

He certainly was sincere.

And he surely had a lot to wish for.

Back in the room, the two little devils were playing with Keith's gundam, more of damaging rather. Then Esmond jumped on the bed and started to intimidate Jeramyn with his front-and-back-crotch-rocking action, you know like hard gay. Aww my abs had surfaced after that.

This is getting so cranky, gotta sleep, cya folks!

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